Blizzard needs to fix a bug: I wasn't getting burned at all when standing on it, but if you come within 3 feet of it, you start to smoke.
Just some folks from my guild. This is the first time I've ever met Xaji or Joda in person, even though they've been in the guild for quite a while.
Is it just me, or does this guy have way too many weapons?
I decided NOT to go in there, after all.
Where is that purple ray coming from...uh...
Dozens of skeletons dancing. It's like a twisted Grateful Dead concert or something.
Hmm...Painmasta and Mastapain. Odd.
Just when you think you've seen every amazing thing in WoW, you encounter something new.
This happens way too often. Warning: Devilsaurs!
Installed GypsyMod, and thought I had come up with a great layout, but I eventually went back to the standard layout, with slight Gypsy improvements.
And so I aimed this ballista at Orgrimmar and rode its giant arrow back home.
Here you see those nice Stormwind guards showing me the way out.
Corpse-camping isn't nice. Note the text in the lower-left corner, hinting at what happened.
There were a select few who understood the humor of me being in Stormwind, and I appreciate them.
Waiting for the Tram. (Stupid gnomes think they're so smart just because they invented flashlights and computer screens and subways...)
The dwarves have a museum! Orgrimmar needs that kind of culture. We have a big arena
This seems to be a new twist on those "floating faucet pouring beer" things that were popular a few years ago. Well, I wouldn't say "popular" exactly...
They sure have a lot of statues to their fallen heroes.
Wow. That's pretty cool. Too bad this guy didn't give me time to go in.
There's a Night Elf nature circle in the city somewhere...
Hmm...that thing in the upper-right corner is probably just something that wasn't completely drawn in.
Now entering: enemy territory! I didn't realize that you're automatically PvP-flagged, but I guess that makes sense.