Umm...there's a ghost dragon behind us...
I went and took out Thermaplugg solo. Because I can.
Even the Plaguelands have a certain beauty to them...
I have way too much crap on my screen. But at least I'm doing the most damage!
I just couldn't help myself. Must...have...more...PANDAS!!!
There's just something strange about an Ogre Rogue...
More gorgeous scenery. God I'm sick of it.
Something tells me that Typhoon isn't going to help when it's 5 vs. 30.
Here I am in a group inside Wailing Caverns. And look who's there - Bojitsu! He's in Dragon Fist with me now, and just hit 60. Did Crimson Shadows become Crimson Fist? Because Crimson Fist is now Dragon Fist.
Just adding a couple very old screenshots. This is the very first one I ever took. Basically, to show off my Zergling.
Another old one. Here I am, skinning something that's still alive.
I single-handedly zerged the Alliance, for a change! Take that! They fled in fear of my mighty herd of Zerglings! Well, those who were not immediately ripped to shreds.
Another pic. I must've had about 30 of them out.
My adorable army of death lulls the simple inhabitants of Orgrimmar into a false sense of security, in preparation for our invasion.
Look, in the back! There's a Mini-Diablo.
A close-up. Awwww...aren't they cute?
I should point out now how I got a Zergling in WoW. If you bought the Collector's Edition of the game, you got to choose between 3 exclusive in-game pets: the Zergling, a Panda Cub, and Mini-Diablo. You can't get them any other way, and they can't be traded. CE-owners only.
Behold! My army of unstoppable Zerglings!
My horribly cluttered interface. But then, that's what you get when you've gotta run the game at 1024x768. My new vid card should arrive by the end of the week. :D
My horribly cluttered interface. But then, that's what you get when you've gotta run the game at 1024x768. My new vid card should arrive by the end of the week. :D